class MathPrograms::Axby1
The class Axby1
is an equation ax+by=1. When it is created, two arguments are given. They are the coefficients a and b. The instance method ‘solve’ returns a pair of the solution [x, y]. It uses euclidian algorithm.
Public Class Methods
new(a = nil, b = nil)
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Two arguments a and b are the constants of ax+by=1. They must be coprime. Otherwise the coefficients a and b, that are @a and @b in the instance, are set to be nil. Then the methods ‘solve’ returns nil.
# File lib/math_programs/axby1.rb, line 13 def initialize a = nil, b = nil if a.instance_of?(Integer) && b.instance_of?(Integer) && a.gcd(b) == 1 @a, @b = a, b else @a = @b = nil end end
Public Instance Methods
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Returns the solution of ax+by=1. It uses euclidian algorithm so it takes short time to get an answer even if a and b are very big.
# File lib/math_programs/axby1.rb, line 23 def solve if @a == nil || @b == nil return nil end d = [] d << [@a,@b,@a/@b,@a.modulo(@b)] until d[-1][3] == 0 do d << euclid(d[-1]) end e = [] a = d.pop # a[1] = 1 or -1 e << [a[0],a[1],a[1],-a[1]*(a[2]-1)] while (a = d.pop) do e << [a[0],e[-1][3],a[1],e[-1][1]-e[-1][3]*a[2]] end if e[-1][1] >= 0 [e[-1][1], e[-1][3]] else [e[-1][1]+@b, e[-1][3]-@a] end end