Mathematics programs

This repository includes libraries for mathematics.


  1. Build the gem. Type “gem build math_programs”.

  2. Install the gem. Type “gem install math_programs-0.1.gem”.


A command “mp23” is available. It has subcommands.

The subcommand “demo” demonstrates all the features.

$ ruby mp23 demo
----- axby1.rb -----
Input a and b.
Delimit the arguments with blank character.
> 4 9
4 x (7) + 9 x (-3) = 1
----- unit_fractions.rb -----
Input a and b.
Delimit the arguments with blank character.
> 3 5
3/5 = 1/2 + 1/10
----- e10p.rb (extracted TenPuzzle) -----
This app finds an expression with the numbers and basic arithmetic operations and its calculation result equals what you gave.
Delimit the arguments with blank character.
> 2 4 5 6 24
[2, 4, 5, 6], 24
----- acr.rb (Arithmetic Calculator with Rational numbers) -----
This app calculates an expression with rational numbers.
Give an expression with rational numbers.
For example, 1/2+1/3.
> 2/3+4*5/6


GPL. See